Operating License

The Institute of Life has been licensed by the Greek National Authority of Assisted Reproduction.

The IASO Institute of Life and Cryopreservation Bank have been licensed by the Greek National Authority of Assisted Reproduction. The IASO ARU Institute of Life was one of the first IVF units to be licensed in Greece by the Greek National Authority of Assisted Reproduction. The Unit’s licensing details were published in the Greek Government Gazette, Issue No. 3969, on 12 December 2016. The licensing details for the IASO Institute of Life egg Cryopreservation Bank were published in the same issue of the Government Gazette.

Greek National Authority of Assisted Reproduction

The Greek National Authority of Assisted Reproduction is the competent state body that sets out and monitors the scientific, legal and moral operational framework of units offering assisted reproduction services. The common operational framework of assisted reproduction units primarily ensures that women and prospective couples receive safe and reliable services. To this end, in March 2014, the Authority received a mandate to recommence operations, so as to fill the large gap in the supervision of the assisted reproduction field and to harmonize the operation of all the units that provide relevant services.

The Authority aims to safeguard benefited citizens and strengthen the operations of assisted reproduction units, ensuring that they operate within the letter of the law, as laid down in the Greek and European regulatory framework.

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